“Ellydium plant raid” mission panorama

The UMC continues to talk about current events in the Star Conflict universe. The history of fringe sectors is being made before our very eyes.

Sector: Former Federation Sectors
System: Velorum
Position: Abandoned “Ellydium” plant

Even before the start of the Invasion, the “Ellydium” corporation used its old factory in the Velorum system to study new technologies. Having built an experimental device for processing of iridium, they conducted a number of successful studies in this field. And then here they studied Alien artifacts that fell into the hands of the corporation.

During the invasion, the factory was mothballed. Currently, the entire location is under control of the Cartel and “Ellydium” has lost access to it.

It’s time to get back what’s ours! “Ellydium” begins a military operation. Mercenaries must break through the defences and cover the landing.

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