19 Juli 2022

Star Conflict 1.10.8 Dark secrets. Stage two

Pilots! UMC analysts report suspicious activity of all factions in the Open Space. Rumour has it that everyone is looking for especially dangerous artifacts. Meanwhile, the UMC engineers are ready to offer pilots the first new Jericho cover ops interceptors “Kusarigama”.

Event “Dark secrets”

Pilots, the “Dark secrets” event will take place in two stages. There are 40 levels in each stage. Only the owners of a special Pass can unlock all levels. But every first and fifth level will be available to all pilots.

To get the reward, you need to unlock the desired stage. In order to gain access to the next reward you need to go through all the previous stages. You can join a stage at any time when the stage is available.

The event will last for three months. During the entire period, all pilots will be able to earn the special game currency in battle —Xenochips.

  • Xenochips can be obtained for completing any tasks as an additional reward.
  • Xenochips are added to the game for a limited time, and after the end of the event they will be withdrawn from the game and from the accounts of all pilots. Make sure to spend your xenochips before the end of the event!
  • Xenochips can be spent on special rewards during the event.

Dark secrets. Stage two. Special bundles and rewards

To gain access to all rewards, pilots must purchase the “Dark Secrets. Stage two” pass. The pass can be purchased at the official project store.

Special pack “Dark secrets. Stage two”

The pack includes:

  • Access to additional rewards in the event “Dark Secrets. Stage two”.
  • Upon receipt, the next level is immediately unlocked and all rewards of the unlocked levels are available
  • 7 days of premium license.

Special pack “Dark secrets. Stage two (Deluxe edition)”

A special version of the “Dark secrets. Stage two” pass. The pass can be purchased at the official project store.

The pack includes:

  • Access to additional rewards in the event “Dark Secrets. Stage two”.
  • Upon receipt, the following 15 levels are immediately unlocked and all rewards of the unlocked levels are available
  • 30 days of premium license.

Rewards of stage two:

Level 1. As a reward, pilots get a new portrait.
Level 2. As a reward, pilots get a colouring pattern (available with a pass).
Level 3. As a reward, pilots get a new taunt (available with a pass).
Level 4. As a reward, pilots get a new colouring pattern (available with a pass).
Level 5. As a reward, pilots get a set of stickers.
Level 6. As a reward, pilots get a special 50% bonus to credits in battles. The bonus is valid for 15 battles (available with a pass).
Level 7. As a reward, pilots get a colouring pattern (available with a pass).
Level 8. As a reward, pilots get a new portrait (available with a pass).
Level 9. As a reward, pilots get a new decor (available with a pass).
Level 10. As a reward, pilots get a new taunt.
Level 11. As a reward, pilots get 1250000 units of free experience (available with a pass).
Level 12. As a reward, pilots get a large set of Seed-chips (available with a pass).
Level 13. As a reward, pilots receive one of the four required “Special part of the ship Kusarigama” (available with a pass).
Level 14. As a reward, pilots get a colouring pattern (available with a pass).
Level 15. As a reward, pilots get a new taunt.
Level 16. As a reward, pilots get pirate contracts that allow them to get up to 70 GS daily for a month (available with a pass). Duration of access is 30 days (available with a pass).
Level 17. As a reward, pilots get a set of stickers (available with a pass).
Level 18. As a reward, pilots get a new colouring pattern (available with a pass).
Level 19. As a reward, pilots get a new taunt (available with a pass).
Level 20. As a reward, pilots get a colouring pattern.
Level 21. As a reward, pilots get a new decor (available with a pass).
Level 22. As a reward, pilots get a new portrait (available with a pass).
Level 23. As a reward, pilots get a special 50% bonus to credits in battles. The bonus is valid for 15 battles (available with a pass).
Level 24. As a reward, pilots get a new taunt (available with a pass).
Level 25. As a reward, pilots receive one of the four required “Special part of the ship Kusarigama”.
Level 26. As a reward, pilots get a colouring pattern (available with a pass).
Level 27. As a reward, pilots get a set of stickers (available with a pass).
Level 28. As a reward, pilots get a set of resources (available with a pass).
Level 29. As a reward, pilots get a new portrait (available with a pass).
Level 30. As a reward, pilots get a colouring pattern.
Level 31. As a reward, pilots get a new taunt (available with a pass).
Level 32. As a reward, pilots get a new decor (available with a pass).
Level 33. As a reward, pilots receive blueprints of weapons and modules for the “Kusarigama” ship (available with a pass).
Level 34. As a reward, pilots get a Premium ship or a resource pack of their choice (available for 24 hours in the in-game store with a pass).
Level 35. As a reward, pilots get a new portrait.
Level 36. As a reward, pilots get a set of stickers (available with a pass).
Level 37. As a reward, pilots get a special 50% bonus to credits in battles. The bonus is valid for 30 battles (available with a pass).
Level 38. As a reward, pilots get a colouring pattern (available with a pass).
Level 39. As a reward, pilots get a new taunt (available with a pass).
Level 40. As a reward, pilots receive the “Order Commander’s flash drive” bundle, which includes the “Special Part of the ship Kusarigama”, the “Web of Lies” decor, and the title “Commander of the Order”.
Level 41. Gives access to special sets that can be purchased in the store for xenochips.

The bundles include:

Additional cell. Free experience

  • Contains 25,000 units of free experience

Additional cell. Monocrystals

  • Contains 5 monocrystals

Additional cell. Xenocrystals.

  • Contains 5 xenocrystals.

Additional cell. Credits + 50%.

  • Contains a 50% credit bonus for 24 hours

New Jericho covert ops interceptor Kusarigama. Rank 16

Kusarigama is the newest cover ops ship of the Liu family. Rumour has it that the technologies from the Temple of Last Hope were used in its creation. Now this AI-controlled ship can often be encountered in the Jericho sectors. In the future, it is planned to supply a weakened version of Kusarigama to the UMC in order for it to be tested by mercenaries.

Special part of the ship “Kusarigama”

  • Used to build the Kusarigama ship.
  • Can be obtained by all pilots participating in the “Dark secrets” event.

Special module “Discharge plasma web”

  • Launches a plasma web that inflicts thermal damage to enemies. If the enemies get close to each other while the web is active, they inflict additional thermal damage to each other.

Shrapnel cannon “Punisher”

  • Close range kinetic weapon
  • A deadly kinetic weapon with a projectile aim assist system. The number of projectiles that can lock in on one target is limited.

Plasma ram

  • Active combat module
  • Activating the module generates a powerful plasma arc in front of the ship, dealing thermal damage to enemy ships and reducing their shield and hull resistance.

New temporary packs in the in-game store!


Pilots! From July 19 to August 26, every week you will find new offers in the in-game store.

The following bundles are available for purchase in the store for galactic standards:

Bundle “Fhloston 1”

  • Portrait “Submafica”
  • Taunt “I destroyed you. With pleasure.”
  • Paint “Stairs”
  • Title “Soul of Wrath”
  • Decor “Lunar rover”
  • 50% bonus to credits for 30 battles.

Bundle “Fhloston 2”

  • Portrait “DJ Summertime”
  • Taunt “Thief! Give the shells back, they cost something, you know!”
  • Paint “Blue hypercube”
  • Title “Warrior”
  • Decor “Octo”
  • 50% bonus to experience for 30 battles

Bundle “Fhloston 3”

  • Portrait “Iggy Anna”
  • Taunt “The ship is being destroyed. The bug is fixed.”
  • Paint “Pyramids”
  • Title “Combat Master”
  • Decor “Zima Blue”
  • 50% bonus to credits for 30 battles.

Set “Fhloston 4”

  • Portrait “Lady of the Sun”
  • Taunt “I swear, even the destroyer is more maneuverable…”
  • Paint “Curve”
  • Title “Flame of Vengeance”
  • Decor “Atom Heart Mother”
  • 50% bonus to experience for 30 battles

Color set “Iridescent 4”

  • Metallic yellow 1
  • Iridescent red
  • Pastel green
  • Orange mosaic
  • Triagonal movement

Sticker set “Ave Bartle!”

  • For the Emperor!
  • For the Federation!
  • Ave Bartle!
  • They shall not pass!
  • Stand till the end!


Added a number of exceptions to the in-game chat profanity filter
Purchasing blueprints for iridium is temporarily suspended

Bug fixes

Fixed an incorrect banner in the GS purchase window
Fixed a bug with the sound of the module “Spatial stabilizer”
Improved game client stability
Improved stability of game servers
Improved a number of texts and descriptions

Star Conflict Heroes is a mobile action RPG set in the universe of the online action game Star Conflict.
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