Intercepted ‘Northstar’ message


Flight log of Captain Robert Artego,
Dreadnought ‘Northstar’
November 13, 17:34 STE


Entry ST24578


We’re in shadow of a large planetoid and it looks like we’re here for a couple of hours. Doctor Pavlov is constantly adjusting the route. He says that everything’s dead around here. I’m not entirely sure what he means. But so far he’s been right about everything – during our journey through Alien space (a whole week!) we haven’t encountered a single enemy. I suppose he has star charts with their routes and code signals. If he ever decides to share this secret, the corporation can earn billions. But now we have to work with whatever we’re offered. The secret of Alien technology is somewhere under the surface of a quiet-looking planet a week away from our position, according to the good doctor. Unfortunately, I haven’t got the precise coordinates. The doctor never thought it necessary to enlighten me.


Here’s hoping everything will keep going smoothly.


I’m attaching two messages doctor Pavlov gave me when I asked what we can expect at the destination.


End of transmission.



Attached files:


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