Developer's diary
Note 18 from September, 3rd

Pilots, we'd like to start today's blog with the announcement of the changes that will affect the modules in the game!

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Note 17 from August, 29th

Today's blog is dedicated to a few interesting points and we would like to start from the introduction of the “Invite a Friend” function!

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Note 16 from August, 14th

In today's blog entry, we'd like to tell you about some changes associated with the camera, premium ships and squads.

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Note 15 - Announcement of patch 0.9.0! Part 2 (Weapon)

Pilots, in today's blog we'd like to tell you about a few major changes that are about to happen in our game! You are in for interesting announcements and a story about the changes to be made to existing aspects of the game!

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Note 15 - Announcement of patch 0.9.0! Part 1 (General)

Pilots, in today's blog we'd like to tell you about a few major changes that are about to happen in our game! You are in for interesting announcements and a story about the changes to be made to existing aspects of the game!

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Note 14 - Damage resistance

In today's blog entry, we'd like to tell you about one of the most important aspects of the game — damage resistance.

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Note 13 - Changes in patch 0.8.4

As many players have rightly pointed out on the forums, the previous update was a lull before some major changes in the game. Which ones? In this dev. blog entry we would like to tell you about the three major changes coming in 0.8.4.

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Note 12 - Sector Conquest

Today's entry is dedicated to sector conquest — each pilot can enter this type of battle and prove that his faction is the strongest!
But how can the pilots do that? Should they be alone, in a squad or perhaps even in a corporation to participate? Answers to these and to other questions can be found here!

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Note 10 - Ship roles in Star Conflict

One and a half month have passed since the introduction of roles, but we still notice that some players do not fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of their chosen role. In today's article we would like to tell you once again how we see the roles and show you some of their features.

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Note 11 - Tutorial contracts

In today's blog we are going to talk about the upcoming changes in pilot training procedures! That's right — soon the game will have a completely revamped tutorial and training contracts system!

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Star Conflict Heroes is a mobile action RPG set in the universe of the online action game Star Conflict.
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