25 février 2025

Special offer in the official store!



Pilots, we have great news! There is a unique special offer available right now in the official store that is sure to pique your interest. Use this profitable opportunity to strengthen your fleet and save money!

  • If you purchase the “Star Conflict: Bashe” or “Star Conflict: Bashe (Deluxe edition)” packs, you will get a 33% discount for the “Star Conflict: Persei-8 (Deluxe edition)” pack.
  • If you purchase the “Star Conflict: Persei-8” or “Star Conflict: Persei-8 (Deluxe edition)” packs, you will get a 33% discount for the “Star Conflict: Bashe (Deluxe edition)” pack.


This is a unique opportunity to fill your hangar with powerful ships and save a significant amount of money. It’s better to take this chance soon, because the offer is time-limited until March 11!

Load your weapons, strengthen your ships and prepare for the new epic battles! Take one more step towards victory!

See you in open space, pilots!

Star Conflict Heroes is a mobile action RPG set in the universe of the online action game Star Conflict.
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