Star Conflict Showcases Dreadnought Battle On Oculus VR Share 13 May 2015

One name that has not been mentioned to date is that of free-to-play Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) videogame Star Conflict. Made by Gaijin Entertainment, who also makes the ever popular War Thunder – itself VR supported.

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Una demo in realtà virtuale per Star Conflict 13 May 2015

Star Conflict è uno dei progetti più ambiziosi per Rift. Si tratta di un MMO ambientato nello spazio, creato da Gaijin Entertainment, gli sviluppatori di War Thunder. Come quest'ultimo, anche Star Conflict è compatibile con la realtà virtuale, il che contribuisce in maniera determinante al fattore immersione del gioco.

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Zasiądź za sterami własnego statku kosmicznego i leć walczyć w wielkich, kosmicznych bitwach 4 May 2015

Star Conflict to kosmiczny symulator w konwencji MMO, w której jako piloci własnego statku kosmicznego walczymy przeciwko komputerowym wrogom i innym graczom. Ważną częścią rozgrywki jest także ciągłe modyfikowanie i ulepszanie statków w nowe części i technologie.

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Star Conflict introduces Dreadnoughts update 25 April 2015

StarGem Inc. and Gaijin Entertainment’s epic free-to-play MMO action game, Star Conflict, receives a major content update today with the introduction of Dreadnoughts, a powerful trump card in the fight for dominance of the galaxy.

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Star Conflict Introduces Dreadnoughts Update 23 April 2015

StarGem and Gaijin Entertainment’s epic free-to-play MMO action game, Star Conflict, receives a major content update today with the introduction of Dreadnoughts, a powerful trump card in the fight for dominance of the galaxy.

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Star Conflict Introduces Dreadnoughts Update 23 April 2015

Starting today players can engage in Dreadnought craft combat in outer space PvP battles. These goliath sized spaceships come complete with interstellar firepower in addition to their immense size and strength, providing a massive presence in tough enemy battles.

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Star Conflict – Dreadnoughts Trailer 23 April 2015

Star Conflict players can now enjoy the the awesomeness of Dreadnought craft combat in their space-based PvP battles.

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Season 2 von Star Conflict, Dreadnoughts, ist live. Seht den neuesten Trailer und unten die englische Pressemeldung 22 April 2015

StarGem Inc. and Gaijin Entertainment’s epic free-to-play MMO action game, Star Conflict, receives a major content update today with the introduction of Dreadnoughts, a powerful trump card in the fight for dominance in the galaxy.

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Star Conflict Launches New Trailer: Season 2 Dreadnoughts 22 April 2015

Star Conflict releases a new trailer today for the launch of 1.1.3 update. Starting with this update, corporations can fight for control of locations on the global map. Those who have dreadnoughts are stronger and can set their own rules.

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Star Conflict Heroes is a mobile action RPG set in the universe of the online action game Star Conflict.
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