15 June 2017

Deal of the Day! 50% discount on unique Tai’Kin resources!

Attention, pilots! Only one day, Lucas Horn and free cruiser "Scotland" team offer unique details for Ellydium ship Tai'Kin for low prices! 

One day only! Discount 50% on containers:

  • Premium xeno-resource container
  • Premium Tai’Kin resources

Tai’Kin includes all the latest scientific achievements of Ellydium laboratories, which have reached new heights in the development of Alien technology. The ship turned out incredibly fast and maneuverable. Tai'Kin became the first ship that could fully use the unimaginable properties of singlet bosons for changing space-time.
Don’t miss the arrival of the cruiser "Scotland" with unique goods! Keep an eye on the news!
Yours faithfully,
Star Conflict Team

Star Conflict Heroes is a mobile action RPG set in the universe of the online action game Star Conflict.
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