
Weekend with Star Conflict!20 May 2016

Special weekend promo — discount on bundles and bonus to credits!

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Guides from pilots19 May 2016

Today we want to introduce you the guide 'How to properly fight aliens' by ThunderFlame.

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Panorama of 'Abandoned outpost'18 May 2016

Haldon was discovered in the time of the first Precursor Sector expeditions. The system was virtually empty and did not deserve the attention, but a certain expedition discovered an abandoned outpost on the edge of the system.

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Developer blog has been updated17 May 2016

Federation guard frigate Archelon, Federation gunship Stingray and a favourite of our players — Empire engineering frigate Brokk saw the light in April.

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Game lessons with "Igromania"!16 May 2016

In this episode we’ll review another ship role, this time it will be the long range frigates.

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Weekend with Star Conflict!13 May 2016

Special weekend promo — synergy bonuses and discount on Premium license!

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Contest 'Ultimate Destroyer'12 May 2016

Our participants published a lot of amazing concepts of Destroyers of their dreams. We invite you to read the concepts and choose the best one!

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Star Conflict 1.3.6 Update #112 May 2016

An important update has been installed on our servers!

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Spring Task Marathon continues10 May 2016

By popular demand, we decided to extend the duration of unique tasks from Arthur Gage as part of the special event ‘Spring Marathon’.

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Victory Day!8 May 2016

Star Conflict team congratulates pilots on the Victory Day in Europe! In honor of Victory Day, we announce a grand sale, which will last till 06-00 UTC of May 10!

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Star Conflict Heroes is a mobile action RPG set in the universe of the online action game Star Conflict.
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