8 December 2016

Project Evolution. Green ice


Cryptogram 42H-03.Ash

From: Federation Expeditionary Fleet Security Service
To: Dana Berner, vice-Admiral of the Third Federation Fleet
Subject: Re: Project Evolution

Our spy satellite KH-10 Dorian managed to intercept logs from the Mendes family Security repeater in ‘Leviathan’ zone. I'm attaching a part of the transcript related to the events in blocks RG7 of ‘Ellydium’ station that you're interested in.

Special agent Winter, Federation Expeditionary Fleet Security Service

PS: Attaching a screencap from ‘Ellydium’ surveillance cameras intercepted along with the log.


00:06:26 AM
The group arrived at Leviathan zone, Object SV17. The passage was conducted under the cover of a standard ‘Ellydium’ cargo barge.

01:15:17 PM
The group is ready to work. Connection to ‘Ellydium’ communication stations established successfully. Access codes received from agent SV002 have opened access to the internal staff network of ‘Ellydium Theta’.

01:16:22 PM
The virus successfully cut through the ice shell of the laboratory perimeter's protection file. We have before us an infinite blue-green space, among colored spheres located at the nodes of a light blue grate. Between them are bright glowing orange tracks of main information flows connecting huge data sets and ‘Ellydium’ control modules that look like the brightest light cores over the vast city of infospace,  over the diamond glisten of library razor sharp silhouettes.

01:16:37 PM
We have entered the control sphere. Everything around us is cool neon blue, like a frozen glass. We’re running the programs to make changes to the control commands.

01:16:39 PM
Through a scarlet thread running through the ice of the library, we sent a team to crack additional protection installed on the data bank. Five independent monitoring systems are in full confidence that they are working. Three tricky locks are deactivated, but still consider themselves locked. A record appeared in the main database of the library, saying that the data was issued a month ago on a quite lawful order.

01:16:40 PM
Time to get outside. Proceeding with caution, the virus must carefully repair the window.

01:16:41 PM
What is this? Green Ice! Retreat routes are growing back! This is the attack of the defence systems! We have never faced anything like this before! The ice is around us. Exit and evacuate immediately! We're not gonna make it!


This is where the intercepted log stops. We believe that the Mendes family battle group was destroyed together with object SV17.


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