Developer blog. Entry 110 - UMC archives: Contraband


Pilots! We continue to share the latest features that will appear on the game servers in the upcoming updates. Among them are new modes, events, and of course, ships!

New event “UMC archives: Contraband”

Soon all pilots will have access to the new event “UMC archives”. It will be a special battle pass of only one stage and lasting about one month. The event itself will run in parallel with the main Battle Pass “Edges of risk” and will end in September.

All pilots who pass the new event and open all 30 cells in it will receive a new unique long-range frigate “Helicon” for free. As well as the modules and weapons of this ship. Those who additionally buy pass bundles, will also receive bundles of resources, seed-chips, ammunition. They will be present in most levels of the Battle Pass. More details about the composition of the levels will be revealed during the start of the event.

New ship “Helicon”

Together with the start of the event, a new ship “Helicon” will be available to all pilots.

An armed yacht developed by order of the imperial aristocrat Gabriel Hugot. Despite its seemingly harmless appearance, it has serious firepower that goes far beyond that of a civilian ship.

The ship can be upgraded from 5 to 15 ranks
Pilot can activate and deactivate nodes in the skill tree. At the same time: 

  • Ship's rank changes
  • Ship's combat characteristics changes 
  • Additional modifiers become available

More details about modules and weapons of the ship will be revealed during the start of the event.

You don’t have to wait for long! Stay tuned!  

Star Conflict Heroes is a mobile action RPG set in the universe of the online action game Star Conflict.
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