Pilots, the weekend begins! Time to prepare your fleet for new victories! UMC offers all pilots a 30% discount on parts for the ship Karud! The parts can be purchased directly from the ship tree...
Pilots! You have a unique chance to purchase a set of elite ship packs at a great discount...
Pilots! It's time to improve your fleet strength! The Federation liaison at UMC reports that a new transport convoy has arrived in fringe sectors from inner worlds. It seems that the blockade has been broken. We are expecting even more trade caravans in the fringe sectors soon!
Attention, pilots! “Allies and rivals. Phase one. Battle Pass Level” now available in the official project store...
Attention, pilots! Our in-game store has some exciting new offers for you! New equipment packs, unique tuning items and parts for your ships are already available. Take a look at what we have for you!
Pilots, the weekend begins! Time to prepare your fleet for new victories! UMC offers all pilots a 30% discount on parts for the ship Archelon! The parts can be purchased directly from the ship tree.
Pilots! Time to enhance the strength of your fleet! A spokesman for the Empire at UMC reported that a new transport convoy from the hub sectors arrived at the fringe sectors.
Pilots, the “Allies and rivals” event will be held in two stages. Each stage has 40 levels. Only the owners of a special Pass will be able to unlock all levels, but the first and every fifth level will be available to all pilots...
Attention pilots! the “Allies and rivals. Stage one" battle pass is now available in the official project store...