The newest covert ops ship of the Liu family. Rumour has it that the technologies from the Temple of Last Hope were used in its creation.
Shrapnel cannon 'Punisher'Weapon
A deadly kinetic weapon with a projectile aim assist system. The number of projectiles that can lock in on one target is limited.
Discharge plasma webSpecial module
Launches a plasma web at enemies within a 1200 m. range that inflicts 75 thermal damage per second for 12 sec. The amount of damage depends on the level of the main weapon installed on the ship. If the enemies get close to each other at a distance less than 1500 m. while the web is active, they inflict additional 1000 thermal damage per second to each other.
Plasma ramActive module
Activating the module generates a powerful plasma arc in front of the ship, dealing thermal damage to enemy ships and reducing their shield and hull resistance.
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