31 May 2013

Event "Survivor"

A month ago, a strange signal has been received from sector 1881. Soon, the scientists that were surveying distant corners of space found something that, for the first time, they didn’t even understand at all, but when they realized what it was, they were truly terrified. It was no other signal than one of the Precursors, and it was not that weak and intermittent as before. The signal was surprisingly strong and clear. The first recon expedition was formed as soon as possible, and it was immediately send for investigation. A dreadnought with scientists on-board went to the sector and soon, disappeared without sending any signal. Then, after a long debate, it was decided to send the most advanced ship among the different factions, with a team that included representatives of all three factions. The Armada carrier “Freespace”, the star of the Federation fleet, with a strong hull , absorbing any rays and multiple-duplicated computer systems, able to resist anomaly bursts. It was a perfect candidate for that task. The most skilled pilots from all sides of the conflict boarded that ship. A few days after hyper jump, the carrier had to report about their arrival to the sector, but it hadn’t, and then a day later, the Precursors signal faded. UFO decided to seal all hyper gates to the sector and forbid further flights.

However, just a day ago, the borderland station from sector 1883 that is close to the mysterious sector 1881 reported about the arrival of a strange pilot, who claims himself as a member of the second expedition to sector 1881 and that he knows what happened there. He arrived on a terribly wrecked ship, that had fallen apart right in the hangar after landing. At the moment, the pilot was located in hospital, the doctors said, that he was exhausted, didn’t even sleep and eat for several days, but he was in the process of recovering.

Before getting unconscious the pilot told weird things:

“Right after we got out of the warp jump we were attacked. Strange objects pierced through the strongest armor with violet rays as through paper. I barely had time to enter my interceptor and escape out of the hangar, but my friends on slower fighters and frigates were not so lucky, their ships lacked speed. We were ready to die, but suddenly small ships that looked more like beacon drones disappeared, leaving a bunch of survived pilots alone in space. But that was only the beginning.After that, a terrible fate had been waited for us. One of the ships was infected by a strange virus, that took control over all computer systems in less then a second. We quickly found out, that the virus penetrated through the weak modular systems and all of us destroyed all their combat modules. But the virus managed to penetrate in a different way. We didn’t even know who was infected, and started to suspect each other. One by one the virus took control over our former comrades, until it left only me and him.”

Experts are trying to recover video files from the black box, and soon, we will be able to see what really happened there.

Full details of the event on our forum.

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