13 December 2018

The price of betrayal. Part one

Captain Red Bacon gently stroked the mahogany railing. “This is my ship”, he thought again, looking around at the luxury of the captain's cabin. And it was quite a sight to behold. The two-story room looked more like an expensive penthouse somewhere on “Eden” than the cabin of a warship. Marble on the first floor. Parquet made of precious wood — on the second, in the bedroom and in the second bedroom. A pool in the bathroom. Everything proved that the corporation “Ellydium” never cheaped out on the comfort of its high command personnel. The ship had several more cabins of similar quality, intended for top managers of the company if they had chosen the latest Dreadnought “Defiant” for their trip.

However, most likely, they would not have been able to make such a pleasant journey in the near future. If the captain's cabin, hidden in the most protected place of the dreadnought under additional armour, looked better than the most expensive hotels of the Sargas Foundation or the Independent Systems of Cetus, the other inner rooms of the ship were in a more deplorable state.

Captain Red Bacon winced slightly as he walked along the melted corridors of the port side. It was here that the “spit” first hit, pierced the shields and hull armour. They were the ones that dealt critical damage to the dreadnought, which caused the ship to arrive at the Raider Range in the Kayeed System.

Despite the fact that on the outside the “Defiant” — the first experimental superdreadnought of the corporation “Ellydium” — did not look badly damaged, the ship’s internal systems were practically destroyed. The control centres of the main engines were particularly badly hit, and because of this the ship could not return to its base “Pilgrim-11”. It required urgent repairs. And this meant time, resources and galactic standards. However, “Ellydium‘ had no problems with the latter. Yet there was very little time. Red Bacon understood very well how much the data that they had received at such a high price was anticipated in the tower “Ellydium Alpha”.

The data, which was now in a particularly protected area of ​​the ship's memory, was truly invaluable. What the “Defiant” encountered so far was unlike anything in the Last War. Some officers generally considered it a miracle that the ship survived and was able to escape with the data it had gathered.

It did escape, but it still had to return home. Red Bacon reached the bridge, where almost all the officers whom he'd asked to gather here half an hour ago were already waiting for him.

— Gentlemen, we have safely reached the Kayeed system. I hope we will be able to carry out operational repairs here. My old friend Landao, agreed to provide us with his shipyards and help with the repair of the engines. I am sure that in a couple of days we will be able to safely return to our base at Pilgrim-11. The last few days have been incredibly difficult for the whole team. I think it would be right to give everyone the opportunity to relieve stress while repairs are underway. I invite all of you, officers, to join me and spend this evening at the local “Royal-L” casino. Drinks are on the house!

This small speech of the captain caused joyful animation. Indeed, the recent stressful situations demanded immediate relief and calm of nerves, and Landao's establishments have always been famous for their luxury, easy fun and freedom of expression. They said that in his youth their owner was a pirate, and even now he's quite an important figure in the Cartel. And the team was already anticipating the well-deserved rest, cold champagne, a roulette wheel and the company of local beauties.

— I think that our brave pilots who showed miracles of courage in the last battle also deserve rest. It is a pity that many did not survive the monster's attack. But we are military people, and giving our life is our job. Today all of us can rest. The casino is completely at our disposal!

The captain paused as if he remembered something important.

— However, we should not leave the ship completely unsupervised.

He glanced around the spacious bridge, looking for a victim. Most of the officers modestly looked away.

— Here, Lieutenant Ramirez, as the youngest officer, will remain in charge on board. I believe in you, lieutenant. You will do an excellent job and keep the ship intact for a couple of hours while we will be absent.

Relieved sighs and giggles could be heard around the bridge. It's only fair, who if not the youngest lieutenant, participating in his first flight, could take the most awkward shifts, when everyone was having fun.

— Officers, the pods are already waiting for us on deck B. See you at the casino!


To be continued.


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