18 December 2018

The price of betrayal. Part two

Lieutenant Ramirez gently stroked the melted walls of the eastern corridor. “This is my ship now, too, — he thought. — How unexpected and strange”. Ramirez rubbed an old scar that cut through his left eyebrow out of habit. His eye twitched slightly. This scar was left for him as a parting gift by an old story that happened on a remote and forgotten planetoid in the SY3176-GIII-A4 system. This operation greatly changed his life.

That time he was in the second wave of the troops. The “Huron” group had already turned off the protective perimeter above the ancient base, and the landing bots safely reached the planetoid's surface. But getting to the surface was only half the battle. Former inhabitants turned the remains of the city into a deadly labyrinth of traps. It was there that, pushing under the fire of automatic turrets, he was seriously wounded.

The orbital support dreadnought's automatic medcapsules saved his life. And the “Olympus” doctors restored his eye and mobility of the paralyzed body. It cost a whole heap of galactic standards. But almost all medical bills were paid by an anonymous source. Ramirez suspected that this was the Huron group and its employers who returned the favour. However, he never saw them again.

Almost immediately after his escape from the strong grip of the medical staff, he wrote through the web that he was leaving the group. His skills, experience and training allowed him to join a condensed military course at “Pilgrim-11", where Ramirez was chosen to serve on the latest dreadnought of the Ellydium Corporation.

And now, by the will of fate, he is here, among the damaged insides of a giant man-made space whale. For a short time, he became the most important person on board. Captain Red Bacon left him as a senior and sole officer, sending the majority of the crew to leave for the merry bases of the Landao raider range.

— Pshh... Lieutenant Ramirez? An urgent call from the captain, — the intercom suddenly came to life.

— Ramirez speaking.

— ...calmly and everyone will stay alive, — said a muffled voice. — Captain, do not make any sudden movements, and everything will be fine, — continued the strange voice.


The stranger spoke with a slight southern accent. Looks like he came from central imperial sectors. Perhaps even born on the legendary Earth. The lieutenant felt his old analytical skills, for which he was particularly appreciated in the “Huron” group, waking up.

“I trusted you...” — the captain’s voice was hoarse and sore. But commander was alive, and it was encouraging. — I thought you were a friend.

— There are powers, old Red, before whom even old friendship is useless. When they tell you to do something — you do it. However, it’s not up to me to explain common truths to you.

— Were you even paid for us? “Ellydium” will give three times more.

— I was promised my life. And you too, by the way. If everything goes as it should.

— And you believe them?

— Of course not!

Then came the shots, female screams, shouts and groans. Communication abruptly broke off.

Here is the cabin. Should only have a skeleton crew on shift. Almost everyone got a leave today.

— Landao's invitation is a trap! — said Ramirez, taking the captain's place. — I need full access. What do we have left online?

— The main caliber and turrets. But there are practically no shields. If they attack, we will quickly lose the last working towers... — Lieutenant! Detecting numerous live portals at three o'clock.

— Damn it! It's happening!

— Have you sent the signal to “Ellydium”?

— Comms are offline. We're being jammed on all channels!

— Do something.

— Comms are live on the operational frequency of fighter ships. It's often listened to by mercenaries. Diverting all power to the channel.

— Can anyone hear me? This is Lieutenant Ramirez, the “Defiant” dreadnought. Requesting assistance! The captain and officers have been captured. The ship is damaged. We are under attack...


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