24 October 2019

Star Conflict 1.6.4: Halloween in Space

Every year at the end of October in the Earth's calendar, a wave of anomalous energy passes through the Universe. This period is called Halloween according to an old Earth tradition.


Destroyer Black Ghost

This ship is only available as part of the “Star Conflict: Black Ghost” DLC. The bundle is available only until November 14.


The bundle includes:

The mysterious phantom destroyer “Black Ghost”

Attention! This ship is available to players annually during the “Halloween” event. The rest of the time the ship is blocked and using it is impossible! This year the event will last until November 14.

The universe is full of mysteries and secrets. One of these mysteries is the “Black Ghost” spaceship. Even before the Invasion, many pilots told tales about signals allegedly sent from an unknown ship. But no one could find any official records about it. And recently, some pilots have been talking about personally meeting this ship away from the major space routes. They say that stumbling upon it means bad luck. Perhaps this is only a legend, but if you hear the sound of a fog whistle or see a mark on the radar, we suggest that you run! Otherwise, death awaits you.


Special module: Ghost rush

  • When activated, the ship becomes transparent to shells and lasers, while significantly increasing the speed and maneuverability. Shooting and using modules interrupts the effect.


Ten slots for modifiers:

  • Engine Modifier — 1 slot
  • Capacitor modifier — 3 slots
  • Shield Modifier — 1 Slot
  • Hull modifier — 3 slots
  • CPU modifier — 2 slots


Active module “Main caliber”

  • Extremely powerful thermal weapon. Fires explosive shells
  • Compatibility: “Black Ghost” destroyer, other suppression role destroyers.
  • The weapon is always available to players.


Additionally, the pilot receives:

  • Paint: “Death mask” for your other ships.
  • Stickers: “Pumpkin” and “Dig in!”


A special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — 666 galactic standards!


“W.I.T.Ch. Hunt” protocol!

Every year, countless laboratories carry out risky experiments to tame the Signal's energy. A few years ago, one of these Jericho projects ended in disaster. After that, all Infected with an active signal were given the code name W.I.T.Ch.

UMC dug up special long-discontinued weapons in warehouses. Only these weapons are guaranteed to protect mercenaries from the Infected. Using missiles “MEM Inquisitor”, you must destroy the ships of those players who are suspected of carrying the alien infection. Infected are among all combat roles — you need to destroy at least one host from each role.

The best mercenaries will get a special achievement and a special title!


Surprise alien attack!

Pilots! We learned that alien activity has suddenly sharply intensified. We associate increased activity with the anomalous energy wave. Be especially careful and cautious these days. Spontaneous portal openings and alien attacks are possible during all PvP battles and flights in Open Space.


Miranda Del Arte's Special Tasks

The “New Day's Signa” Brotherhood reminds you: “Signal's Peak” is approaching: it's a troubled time when the spirits of the dead come to collect their tribute from the living! Miranda Del Arte offers new special assignments for mercenaries! As a reward, you will get valuable currency — monocrystals!

The assignments can be found in the “Events” tab. Miranda's missions are marked with code names: “Harbingers of Demise”, “Space Terror” and “Final Nightmare”.


Scary sounds!

Some pilots report hearing extremely spooky sounds and demonic laughter when docking with stations. Perhaps this is somehow connected with the W.I.T.Ch. operation. We managed to intercept and record one of these messages:


“Detonation” mode

The Center has received reports that special bombs in the PvP mode “Detonation” look extremely suspicious! We urge all pilots to be as attentive as possible in these dangerous times.


Strange faces

Some employees of the UMC as well as employees of intelligence representatives and corporations that are actively working with mercenaries, have been looking extremely strange and suspicious recently. Perhaps this is somehow related to Signal's Peak. But it is also possible that these are just festive costumes.


Special offer! The bundle “Halloween 2019” for 999 GS!

  • Pattern “Plague”!
  • Scary stickers!
  • A spooky 66.6% bonus to experience and credits for 3 days!


The “Halloween 2018” pack for 666 GS!

  • Colouring scheme “Pumpkin”!
  • Scary stickers!


“Halloween 2019” and “Halloween 2018” bundles will be available to all pilots only during the holiday until November 7. The colouring scheme and stickers will stay with you forever! Available in the game store!



  • Improved damage distribution mechanics in corporate wars.
  • Tournaments now also count toward corporate wars.
  • Added the tenth rank of corporate wars — “Lieutenant”. A reward for achieving the title is a sticker with two stars and ammunition against destroyers.


Premium License Changes

Pilots! The system for obtaining a premium license has changed:

  • Premium licenses can no longer be purchased for galactic standards.
  • A premium license can still be purchased at the official game store.
  • Previously purchased premium licenses will remain with the pilots.



  • Reduced cost of unlocking nodes and manufacturing Ze'Ta ship modules.
  • Fixed the bug of getting unused items when opening some containers.
  • When listings have the same price, the older ones are now shown first.
  • With the update, the trade listings database was cleared.
  • Improved interaction of stasis mechanics and module effects.
  • Added a new title for the winners of the tournament “Best of the best”.


Bug fixes

  • Improved a number of maps.
  • Improved display of the game at ultra-wide resolutions.
  • Fixed the error of firing the gun “Aim-assisted cannon 17” on invisible targets.
  • Improved crosshair marker behavior for some guns.
  • Fixed installation of Accelerating Gates with incomplete durability.
  • Fixed “Too many queries” error when scrolling lists.


Star Conflict Team

Star Conflict Heroes is a mobile action RPG set in the universe of the online action game Star Conflict.
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