31 August 2020

Star Conflict stories. Riot in Scythia

In 4402, the self-defence forces of the Scythia system revolted to secede from the Empire. With an excellent resource base and a great production complex, the system could safely exist without needing supplies from other planets of the Empire. General Todor Brom was appointed the new ruler of the future free state. A month later, Todor was supported by residents of the Omega and Lotharingia systems. They did not hesitate to announce the creation of the Union of Free Colonies.

Despite the distant location of the colonies, they had powerful shipyards that produced ships for the entire Imperial army. The Emperor did not want to lose the plants and sent a powerful group of the Invincible Legion to the west. By that time, the colonies had formed their own fleet of ships that had not yet been sent to the central worlds. And although the Union of Free Colonies had excellent pilots, they could not contain the onslaught of the Legion. In just a few battles, the colonists' fleet was defeated and the Empire took the planet Scythian-4 into an orbital blockade. It was here that the rebel government was located, and Todor Brom was about to feel the anger of the Emperor personally.

Contrary to expectations, the Legion did not begin the landing. Ten days after the blockade, heavy cruisers of the Invincible Legion began orbital bombardment. Together with thousands of shells, shipyard debris fell on the planet, turning Scythian-4 into hell. As a final strike, the Imperials launched a nuclear attack. The planet was dead. The fate of the 15 billion colonists produced the desired effect and the remaining rebels acknowledged the victory of the Empire.

Currently, all three systems are part of the New Empire and continue production, and Scythian-4 serves as a reminder that the patience of the Emperor is not unlimited and his anger is terrible.


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