28 October 2021

Star Conflict 1.9.3 Halloween in Space

Every year at the end of October in the Earth’s calendar, a wave of anomalous energy passes through the Universe. This period is called Halloween according to an old Earth tradition. This year, specifically for the event, we are introducing a new mysterious ship!

Rank 16 Jericho guard frigate “Naglfar”.

Naglfar is a miracle of the Sentinels. Supposedly, such ships were designed for the expedition to sector 1337. Soon after, they disappeared.

Among the mercenaries, it is rumored that a single ship of this kind caused the destruction of an entire UMC station. It returned from the expedition defiled, as if it itself had become an artifact of the Precursors. The people around the artifact were going insane. They were killing themselves to end the suffering.

One mercenary met the Sentinel and survived. He called him Naglfar and became a faithful comrade to him. Since then, other ships of this kind have begun to emerge. Fearless mercenaries are not afraid of rumors and make contact with the ships. Perhaps their minds are also protected from ancient curses.

Super module “Army of Hel”

  • Accumulates a counter for each ship destroyed within a certain radius. When activated, creates combat clones of the ship, the amount of which depends on the number on the counter.

Special weapon “Hand of Helheim”

  • If the enemy is destroyed after being hit, the player’s ship receives damage resistance for some time.

Active module “Defence system Brotherhood”

  • Increases resistance for each ally within a small radius. Additionally, it significantly increases shield damage resistance and accelerates the ship for a short time.

New DLC bundles “Star Conflict: Naglfar. Deluxe edition” and “Star Conflict: Naglfar”

Pilots! The “Star Conflict: Naglfar” and “Star Conflict: Naglfar. Deluxe edition” packs are now available in the official project’s store. The bundles will be available for purchase until November 25. There are no restrictions on using the “Naglfar” ship in the game.

Star Conflict: Naglfar. Deluxe edition

This pack includes

  • Rank 16 Jericho guard frigate “Naglfar”.

Additionally, the pilot receives:

  • Special weapon “Hand of Helheim”
  • Active module “Defence system “Brotherhood””
  • Special portrait “Leif Eriksson”
  • Ship pattern “Trigonal waves”
  • Unique decor “Dragon”

Additionally, the pilot receives the modules:

  • Pulsar
  • Emergency shield boost
  • “Spectre” field
  • Energy converter
  • Vernier engines
  • Emergency barrier
  • EM-diffuser
  • Auxiliary shield projector
  • Crystal Plates
  • “Horizon” module

Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 90 days!

Star Conflict: Naglfar.

This pack includes

  • Rank 16 Jericho guard frigate “Naglfar”.
  • Special weapon “Hand of Helheim”
  • Active module “Defence system Brotherhood”

Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 30 days!

Halloween in Space


Fanatics and cultists who worship the Signal believe that the souls of the dead come to our world on Halloween.

Previously, scientists explained this phenomenon by the fact that it was at this time that the Signal reached its peak. Every year countless laboratories conduct daring experiments to tame the energy of the Signal. A few years ago, one such project of Jericho ended in disaster. After that, all objects with an active signal were assigned the code name W.I.T.Ch.

The protocol “W.I.T.Ch. Hunt” is now active Mercenaries can earn special rewards for destroying W.I.T.Ches!

“W.I.T.Ch. Hunt” protocol!

UMC dug up special long-discontinued weapons in warehouses. Only these weapons are guaranteed to protect mercenaries from the Infected. Using missiles “MEM Inquisitor”, you must destroy the ships of those mercenaries who are suspected of carrying the alien infection. Infected are among all combat roles — you need to destroy at least one host from each role.
The best mercenaries will get a special achievement and a special title!

Miranda Del Arte’s Special Tasks

The “New Day’s Signal” Brotherhood reminds you: “Signal’s Peak” is approaching: it’s a troubled time, when the spirits of the dead come to collect their tribute from the living! Miranda Del Arte offers new special assignments for mercenaries!

Scary sounds!

Some pilots report hearing extremely spooky sounds and demonic laughter when docking with stations. Perhaps this is somehow connected with the W.I.T.Ch. operation. We managed to intercept and record one of these messages:

“Detonation” mode

The Center has received alarming reports that special bombs in the PvP mode “Detonation” look extremely suspicious! We urge all pilots to be as attentive as possible in these dangerous times.

Strange faces

Some employees of the UMC as well as employees of intelligence representatives and corporations that are actively working with mercenaries, have been looking extremely strange and suspicious recently. Perhaps this is somehow related to Signal’s peak. But it is also possible that these are just festive costumes.

Pilot packs

New pack “Halloween 2021”

  • Pattern “Jinx”
  • Painting “Death grip”
  • Sticker “Universe pumpkin”
  • Sticker “Terrifier-3000”
  • Sticker “Your candy or your life”
  • Sticker “It’s no use screaming!”
  • Sticker “Candy UFO”
  • Sticker “Cranio arachnida”
  • A spooky 66.6% bonus to experience and credits for 3 days!

The pack “Halloween 2020”

  • Your wallet or your life
  • Danger is near
  • Trouble bringer
  • Ominous sign
  • Trouble team
  • Scary handsome
  • A spooky 66.6% bonus to experience and credits for 3 days!

“Halloween 2019” pack

  • Pattern “Plague”!
  • Scary stickers!

“Halloween 2018” pack

  • Pattern “Pumpkin”!
  • Terrifying stickers!

“Halloween” packs will be available to all pilots only during the holiday: from October 28 to November 18. The pattern and stickers will stay with you forever! Available in the game store!

We will continue to inform all pilots about the strange events that are happening these days in the Fringe Sectors. Stay tuned!

The brawl “Curse of the Leviathan”

Until recently, no one dared to approach the infected, until signatures similar to those recorded in the infamous Monolith were periodically recorded in the old catacombs of Leviathan. Having given huge sums to the Broker, the unknown managed to set up a public contract for sending volunteers allegedly from Jericho “for reconnaissance” to the signatures of the infected. What those who have hired the Broker plan to do is known only to them, but no one can say for sure what awaits the mercenaries in the gloomy catacombs...

  • All players in the brawl start the battle on the same ships.
  • One of the pilots selected randomly becomes “Infected”.
  • He can “Infect” other pilots in combat. Such pilots move to his side and also become “Infected”.
  • The task of the surviving pilots is to hold out until the help arrives.

The brawl is available every day until November 17. The rest of the brawls will be disabled during this time.

Brawl marathon “Curse of the Leviathan”

Attention all pilots! The UMC received an emergency contract from the so-called Broker.

  • All mercenaries who took places from 1 to 3 in the leaderboards of researchers or infected in the “Curse of the Leviathan” brawl recorded by UMC engineers on November 18 will receive the unique pattern “Curse of leviathan” which can only be obtained during this event, 500 xenocrystals and 1000 GS.
  • All pilots who took places from 4th to 10th in the leaderboards of researchers and infected in the “Curse of the Leviathan” brawl recorded by the UMC engineers on November 18, will receive 500 xenocrystals.
  • All pilots who took places from 10 to 20 in the leaderboards of researchers and infected in the “Curse of the Leviathan” brawl recorded by UMC engineers on November 18 will receive 300 xenocrystals.​

Changes in the trading system

Ship parts that are temporarily available for sale between players:

  • Relic
  • Tornado
    • Blueprint for producing the “Plasma gun Mk-3” is now available for research and trading
  • Raven

The parts of the following ships have been temporarily withdrawn from the trading between players:

  • Project 1011
  • Granite
  • Singularity

Stay tuned to monitor the changes in the trading system. We will announce the changes in advance in the project news.

Weapons and modules

Special module “Autonomous battle station”

  • The station’s active time increased to 360 sec.

Special module “Autonomous drones”

  • Turret damage increased by 80%
  • Projectile flight speed increased by 50%


  • Increased the damage dealt by desintegrators to destroyers

Module “Mobile Portal”

  • Transport range increased to 10 km
  • The portal’s active time increased to 180 sec.


The list of maps for brawls was extended
Improved a number of daily tasks

Bug fixes

Fixed an issue with premium subscription when purchasing multiple Battle Passes
Fixed a bug with the spontaneous drop of the bomb in the Sector Conquest Fixed the value of shield recovery in the description of the “Sword’s diffusion shield” module
Corrected the position of the spatial scanner indicator for the Wolfhound ship
Fixed a number of issues in texts and descriptions
Corrected the descriptions of the modules “Micro-locator” and “Dawn locator”
Fixed a bug with the removal of certain effects when pressing the afterburner button
Fixed various issues with textures on the “Leviathan: Catacombs” map
Fixed a bug which made it impossible to switch between the players in the “Last man standing” mode while being in the spectator mode.

Star Conflict Heroes is a mobile action RPG set in the universe of the online action game Star Conflict.
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