30 May 2014

International Children's Day


Meet 'International Children's Day' with Star Conflict! Tough pro's will be able to share their wisdom and skill, and new players will learn something new! This weekend our players will be able to get a unique achievement and of course, there will be some interesting offers!

Experienced mercs will have an opportunity to show new players how 'grown-ups' fight: should you have a pilot in your squad, whose rating is 300 points lower than yours, and win the battle with him, you will get a unique achievement 'Child Defender'.

Hurry up - you can become 'Child Defender' only until 4 a.m. UTC, June 2nd.

Along with this mini-event, we will also have a 'training' tiers ship sale, you will get:

  • 50% Discount on ALL T1 and T2 ships;
  • 30% Discount on 7-day Premium-license.

All our pilots will have an opportunity to try new ships and find roles that are fitting their gameplay style the most! Take this chance and get the most interesting ships for you!

Star Conflict Team

Star Conflict Heroes is a mobile action RPG set in the universe of the online action game Star Conflict.
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