7 August 2014

Mobile payments available in Europe!

The long awaited mobile phone payment system is now available for a number of European countries! If you reside in Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, UK or France - you can use your mobile phone to pay for Galactic Standards and some of the available packs*.  We will increase the number of supported countries in the future.

Special launch offer! Get 500 Galactic Standards bonus for purchases (using mobile payments) from the following list:

The offer is valid only for payments made with mobile phones via Mopay and will last from 6 (12:00 GMT) till 13 August (19:59 GMT).

* Local mobile payment providers limit mobile transactions up to 30 euros, so only packs cheaper than 30 euros are available for purchase via mobile phone.

Star Conflict Team

Star Conflict Heroes is a mobile action RPG set in the universe of the online action game Star Conflict.
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