Mobile payments available in Europe!
The long awaited mobile phone payment system is now available for a number of European countries! If you reside in Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, UK or France - you can use your mobile phone to pay for Galactic Standards and some of the available packs*. We will increase the number of supported countries in the future.
Special launch offer! Get 500 Galactic Standards bonus for purchases (using mobile payments) from the following list:
- Star Conflict - 3000 + 300 (bonus) Galactic Standards
- Star Conflict - 6000 + 900 (bonus) Galactic Standards
- Star Conflict Pirate Pack — Corsair
- Star Conflict Mercenary Pack — Soldier of Fortune
The offer is valid only for payments made with mobile phones via Mopay and will last from 6 (12:00 GMT) till 13 August (19:59 GMT).
* Local mobile payment providers limit mobile transactions up to 30 euros, so only packs cheaper than 30 euros are available for purchase via mobile phone.
Star Conflict Team