INN digest №103
Intergalactic News Network (INN) - creative association of players, who gather news from all corners of the Star Conflict universe.
In today's article:
Race for power
Although a shaky peace was signed between the three factions in the forerunners sectors, the underground battle continues. There was coined another method in the war of frames, in the hunt for each pilot. The military officials of Armada said that they are ready to pay the full content of employees (techs, repairers, pilots), for that mercs, who will go to serve to Federation. Pilots, of course, gladly accepted this information and rushed to enter to the federation mercs army. However, the reality was not so rosy.
Utilization of confiscated
Due to the fact that the anti-piracy company is gaining momentum, UCM accumulated a huge amount of confiscated pirated container with smuggle. Once again the leadership of UCM decided to change the way to encourage their pilots.
So the portal is under control?
The mercs' stuck problem in biomorth sectors has been solved.
All details and other important news can be found on our forum!
Star Conflict Team