7 May 2015

Contest "Brevity is the soul of wit"


Brevity is the soul of wit

UMC announces a talent search and launches a creative competition! Your task is to write a story in the universe of Star Conflict, that should not exceed 1945 characters.



  1. Volume – 1945 symbols maximum.
  2. One participant – one work.
  3. Contest theme – universe of Star Confict.
  4. Players using someone else's creations will be removed from the contest.
  5. The work has to be published in the special thread on the forum. Works published somewhere else will not be considered.

The pilot, whose work will be voted the best will receive a reward of 2000 Galactic Standards. Also, 1000 and 500 Galactic Standards will be given as consolation prizes. Works are accepted until May 10. The results will be known on May 12.


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