16 June 2015

Imperial Security Service Legate, Natasha Cortes



Position: Imperial Security Service Legate

Area of ​​Responsibility: Mercenary liaison. Top secret tasks. Assassination contracts. Convoy escorts and raids.

Origin: Nemesis, Arcturus System

Gender: Female

Biological age: 72 years old (35 Earth years)

Legal status: Imperial Security Service Officer

Personality: Choleric

Education: Classified

Participation in military operations: Classified. Was away on a secret special mission during the Alien invasion close to station ‘Sentinel-17’. Successful completion of the task got her the Imperial Star of the first degree. Details of the task are classified.

Personality traits: A true killing Machine. Prone to psychopathy. Sometimes acts completely inadequately. Repeated outbursts associated with errors of her subordinates. Likes to wear tight leather and latex. Particularly dangerous.


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