11 September 2015

Star Conflict 1.2 Update #1


Slightly tweaked Laser ARC-II

The weapon now has exactly the same characteristics as Pulse Laser


Game modes

Team Battle

Now you need to take down 20 enemy ships to win
Battle time is now 5 minutes



Tweaked the button Special Operations

If the pilot hasn't reached rank 7 yet, the button is blocked
If the pilot reached rank 7, then:
The button shows a rank range for the upcoming Special Operation
Displays the time left until Special Operation start

Game mode selection screen

Now, if the mode is not available all the time, the tooltip describes its timetable


Special Operation rewards

Increased Special Operation rewards from purple trophy search spots

Changed purple search spots contents:
Completing a T5 Special Operation no longer yields credits in purple spots
Completing a T4 Special Operation increases the chance of getting T4 Secret Project ship modules and T4 blueprints
Completing a T3 Special Operation increases the chance of getting T3 blueprints and increases credit rewards


Bug fixes

Fixed a bug with incorrect damage of some missiles in PvE
Fixed descriptions of several DLCs
Improved game stability
Fixed false error pop-ups


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Star Conflict Team

Star Conflict Heroes is a mobile action RPG set in the universe of the online action game Star Conflict.
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