Impressions of the playoffs
RANDOM team captain — Triche shares her impressions of the playoffs opponents.
ADVENTURE TIME (Team captain: Leto, Russia)
One of the strongest teams in the top eight, with excellent team play skills. However, they are not yet ready to destroyers like most of the teams. They urgently need to think on their setup since 3 destroyers is a very real possibility.
DNO (Team captain: mzelskii1987, Russia)
This team has the strongest Star Conflict pilots, but it's often not a boon at all, as the strongest pilots tend to play alone. But I don't think they should have any problems with starcore's (FARS) team.
FARS (Team captain: starcore, Russia)
Were one of the first to build a destroyer, and therefore they had the most time for testing destroyer tactics. However, their main problem is the lack of mobility in the setup, which is why they manage to lose even to weak teams on beacons. But I think they will take their past mistakes into account.
BAX (Team captain: NERW, Italy)
They were quite strong, until they became a donor for ROSE and gave away 2 good damage dealers. However, in return they got pretty good interceptor pilots, who are bound to trouble the opponents. However, I doubt that they can defeat Leto's team (Adventure Time).
THE ROCHI (Team captain: azverin, Russia)
This team was clearly very lucky, which helped them stay in the top eight. Often, all of their problems in battles are because of maneuverable interceptors that are very hard to hit without CC, or long-range ships (Flux Phaser + Gauss).
ROSE (Team captain: ShenaSky, Russia)
This team made a lot of effort to get into the top eight and has fairly dangerous pilots, but does it compensate for a lack of team play skills and experienced commanders?
KBANT CBETA (Team captain: LiSka, Ukraine)
At the start of Leagues they easily defeated even stronger teams on beacons, but the basic roster has been lost. Some left to join Leto (Adventure Time). Whether they have enough time to work out the composition of the new roster is unknown.
Star Conflict Team