8 June 2016

Contest 'Photo cosplay'


We are announcing a contest ‘Photo cosplay’ and invite you to cosplay one of the characters from Star Conflict. Would you like to turn into Arthur Gage or maybe the mysterious Miss Summer? Perhaps you’d like to take on the image of your favourite space ship?


Terms of creating a competitive work:

  • In order to participate take the photo with you cosplay as one of the characters from Star Conflict.
  • Each contestant can only present one submission.
  • Submissions have to be made in a special forum thread.
  • Submission’s level of detail is up to you.


Requirements for ‘Photo’ submissions:

  • Photo must be original and created specifically for this contest.
  • Try to use graphics editors to a minimum.
  • Include your nickname in submission description.


Entries are accepted until June 22th, on June 27th we will choose and announce three winners who will receive the prizes:

1st place — 7000 Galactic Standards.
2nd place — 6000 Galactic Standards.
3rd place — 5000 Galactic Standards.

Special ‘People's choice’ Award — 5000 Galactic Standards.


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Star Conflict Team

Star Conflict Heroes is a mobile action RPG set in the universe of the online action game Star Conflict.
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