4 July 2016

Developer blog has been updated

Premium ships rework continues

Restyling of pirate frigates Phoenix and Reaper was welcomed by our players. And the new crafting system for Premium ships has already proven itself, and gave all pilots the opportunity to collect the required items by playing their favorite game modes.

This time creative re-evaluation reaches Premium ships Palom, Kite-E, Ghost and Karud. With their looks significantly revamped, they will also get new unique modules and weapons. And the most important thing is that now these ships can not only be purchased, but also assembled from special components unique to each ship. The required resources can traditionally be found during ‘Trophy search’ phase after battles in PvP, PvE and Co-op. Thus, these Premium ships too can not only be bought as part of bundles and DLC, but also be assembled with you spending time and effort only on finding the required resources. More info...


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Star Conflict Team

Star Conflict Heroes is a mobile action RPG set in the universe of the online action game Star Conflict.
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