5 July 2016

Juno in orbit around Jupiter

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

After almost a five-year journey to the largest planet of the Solar system, Juno — a NASA spacecraft, launched August 5, 2011, successfully entered the orbit of Jupiter for a 35-minute maneuver, during which it slowed down and came under the influence of Jupiter's gravitational field. During the maneuver, the probe flew on autopilot, and command center could communicate with the device only with simple signals, since the main antenna was not directed at Earth.

Over the next few months, Juno will make a final system test and calibration of scientific instruments. The main purpose of the probe is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter. With a range of nine scientific instruments, Juno will investigate the planet's core, map Jupiter's magnetic field, measure the amount of water and ammonia in the atmosphere and observe the planet's auroras. The mission will also allow to take a giant step forward in our understanding of how giant planets form and their role in the creation of the rest of the Solar system. As the main example of a giant planet, Jupiter can also provide important knowledge for understanding the planetary systems around discovered stars.

Juno was the second probe on Jupiter's orbit after Galileo, which was in the planet's orbit from 1995 to 2003. Juno spacecraft took five years to reach Jupiter. It is planned that the mission of the automatic interplanetary station will last year and a half, and then it will self-destruct by burning in the atmosphere.


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