11 July 2016

Third Ellydium project


UMC has received new contracts from the Broker. We remind you that during the summer you will be involved in research projects of his new employer — ‘Ellydium’ corporation. Complete missions and be the first to get your hands on Alien technology.

Ellydium prepared six projects in total that will be researched throughout this summer.

It's time to start the third project. Get a blueprint of a unique Alien weapon for installation on interceptors! Here are the new Broker missions.


Weapon system research III


The Broker's mission:

  • Destroy or assist the destruction of five ships in PvP mode, using Thi'Lith Beam.
  • As a reward you will receive a free ‘Xeno-expert’ bundle.


The recent incident which revealed basic collective Alien intelligence in Ellydium's crystal products, could undermine the credibility of the entire technology. Your objective is to show that Ellydium products are reliable and efficient. In addition, the data collected during these missions will help research of the next weapon.


Expansion begins


The Broker's mission:

  • Destroy or help destroy two hunters in open space location Leviathan.
  • As a reward you will get a special container with living crystals.


Through collaboration with mercenaries ‘Ellydium’ corporation managed to establish a foothold in Alien space. Your first priority now is to make sure that the outpost can cope with Alien attacks. Victor de Toro has kindly agreed to co-ordinate your actions.


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