2 August 2016

Contest 'Propaganda'


Each mercenary knows what he wants and who he's loyal to, whether it's his favourite faction or freedom and boundless space. But maybe there are pilots among us who for various reasons have not yet decided for whom to fight and which laws to follow during the invasion.

We ask for your help and offer you to draw a propaganda poster for the universe of Star Conflict!


Terms of creating a contest entry:

  • You need to create an original propaganda poster and post it in the special forum thread.
  • The poster can call for anything, for example joining the Empire, or revolve around any other situation. In any case, it must be dedicated to the universe of Star Conflict and fit the concept of propaganda (catchy, sharp, memorable, and containing a specific call).
  • The poster must include a slogan written in English.
  • The poster may be produced on a computer or by hand.
  • Relevant humour, imagination and originality are welcome.


Entries will be accepted until 14th August, and on 16th August we will select 3 winners who will receive:

1st place — 7000 Galactic Standards
2nd place — 6000 Galactic Standards
3rd place — 5000 Galactic Standards


Good luck!


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