Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.8: Big Bang
Welcome to all pilots StarConflict, both veterans and beginners, coming from the vast expanse of Steam!
This time, we offer you an explosive update v 0.7.8, code-named "Big Bang"! It has a new PvP-mode - "Detonation," where your team has to suppress the enemy navigation stations. They are much better protected from hacking than the traditional beacons, so there's only one way out - destroying their electronics with powerful EM discharges. EMP-bombs needed to complete a task can be found right on the battlefield!
In order to simplify the execution of combat missions, all fleet commanders decided to assist their loyal mercenaries. All combat slots are now universal, so you can take your favorite classes of ships into battle without any restrictions! The ships themselves now have increased maneuvering characteristics, so now you have a better chance to prove your worth in battle!
Meanwhile, our scouts have discovered a fascinating new burial of the Precursors codenamed "Lava Spines," and it is waiting to be explored.
A full list of new features can be found in the game's forum.
A clean space to you, and see you on the battlefield!