Six Elite teams have confirmed their participation in "Grand Prix"
There're two slots for Challengers and only 4 days to identify the most worthy. Leaderboards fixing will tkae place on September 15. Captains of Challengers teams will need to confirm their participation by sending a confirmation letter in the game to TtesportsLezort. Once the application is sent, the composition of the team is fixed and can not be changed. In the event that the application will not be sent until September 16 12:00 UTC+3, the administartion has the right to invite of any team at their own discretion.
Games for Ellidium prizes be held on September 17-18, at 17:00 UTC+3. The system of matches - double elimination (two defeats). A more detailed schedule will be presented, when all the participants of the tournament will be known.
Be ready to get into the tournament for Ellidium technology!