Stunning Alien technologies on recon interceptor!
Tai'ThaqKinetic weapon
Launches a colony of crystalline pseudoorganisms, devouring ship hulls. Shields can't hold them
Emergency stasis systemHull
Completely blocks collision damage. For every 1000 damage pts. the ship is immobilized for 4 second
Quantum leapSpecial module
In 1.5 sec. the ship retunrns to the point where it was 8 seconds ago. Effects applied after the return point are cancelled
Camouflage shield refractorCapacitor
Provides invisibility from enemy radars if the ship does not fire, launch missiles or use active modules for more than 10 seconds
Hologram crystalActive modules
For 10 sec. creates the ship's hologram with 40% of the olayer ship's durability. The host turns invisible for 4.5 seconds
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