Northern berth

The Artuga system was discovered by Sci-Tech Universal's recon team. The leadership of this young, but promising corporation was looking for a secluded place for experiments with weapons and military technology.

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The tracking stations remaining from imperial times recorded the appearance of an anomaly on the outer boundary of the Hill sphere in the Ontregos system not long ago.

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“Pilgrim-11” location panorama

Welcome to paradise — “Pilgrim-11”. One of the few places that successfully survived the Alien invasion. A unique spot to relax and work. Modern comfort for the most demanding tourists is combined with the uniqueness of pristine nature. 

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Panorama of orbital station «Guardian-17»

Orbital station ‘Guardian-17’ is one of many imperial stations that managed to survive in the war with aliens. In many ways, thanks to the remoteness from the capital in the Solar System.

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Captured Dreadnought

The UMC continues to talk about what is happening in the Star Conflict universe at the present time. The history of the fringe sectors is happening right before our eyes.

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The Pride system has always been one of the most inhospitable places near the station Guardian-17. For a long time, before the war, the main trade and transport routes passed through the system.

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Area: PB 42

The UMC continues to talk about current events in the Star Conflict universe. The history of fringe sectors is being made before our very eyes...

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Abandoned Outpost

The Haldon system was discovered during the time of the first studies of fringe sectors. The system was practically empty and seemed not to deserve attention. But the Imperials built an impressive outpost in this system.

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Ice Pits

Before the war, "Ice Pits" used to be one of the most important industrial sites. It produced several essential substances required for the operation of the life support system of the "New Eden" station.

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Colonization hub

The UMC continues to talk about the current events in the Star Conflict universe. The history of fringe sectors is being made before our very eyes.

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